The 1st series

There have been two complete sets of trading cards for the Savage Dragon so far.  One was right after the first limited series and told the story again.  There were also extra cards telling of the exploits of Erik Larsen and had quotes and other such stuff included on the back of the card.  There were 90 cards in the set and a few chase cards. 

Below are some pics of some of the cards, including the rare prismed chased cards.

* Picture #1:  2 regular cards along with 3 of the chase cards

* Picture #2:  3 regular cards of the Dragon.

The Wildstorm series

The second set of cards were by Wildstorm and were reprints of the covers of almost every issue of the Savage Dragon and summaries on the back.  There were 90 cards , which included other artists' rendition of the Dragon and the issue covers, but excluding the chase cards.  What was also included was villain profiles on the back of the pin-up and cover cards, and there were also special Dragon stickers included.

To the right are all the special chase cards that had prismed crap all over them which practically makes them unreadable to the scanner.  Sorry about that.


Trading Card Bios:  This is a complete listing of each characters bios, as it was listed on the back of these cards.  Read it and be surprised at some of their powers!  Like Heavy Flo's!  *is disgusted*


Wizard released a special prism card of the Savage Dragon along with a gold special variant.  I'm not sure with which issue the regular version came with, but I know the gold version was one of those "dealer only" type cards, where you had to pay a lot more money for if you wanted it.  The good thing about nowadays is that you can probably pick one up for only a couple bucks.  Thank god for the crash of the comic prices!

Pictured below on the left is the prism one and to the right is the gold.




The Overpower card game had the Dragon in it and gave him his very own card.  There were a ton more cards that were Dragon related, but they were all drawn by Mike S. Miller of Red Horizons fame.  Below is the one known (to me at least) Dragon card done by Erik.


Topps released an Image Creators card set (I think), and Erik did a card or two (I think) for them.  This picture is pretty crappy, but that's because it's a bad scan that wasn't from me.  As soon as I get this card, I'll make a better scan.  Until then, this'll have to do.  



Wanna send a postcard to someone?  Well there was a Dragon/Bone postcard done by both Jeff Smith and Erik Larsen.  Buy one and send it to a friend, or just keep it for yourself.

Click here to see the card

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